VII EPGMAT will be the seventh edition of the UFBA Graduate Mathematics Meeting, an event that takes place annually in the second semester of each school year. This meeting is directed to the students of the Master and Doctorate courses in Mathematics, both from UFBA and other higher education institutions in Brazil. It is also open to undergraduate students of Mathematics courses, and has the participation of professors of our program and visitors, contributing to the delivery of lectures and short courses. The main goal of the meeting is to disseminate the research work carried out by the faculty and students of the UFBA Graduate Program in Mathematics and the UFBA / UFAL Doctoral Program in Mathematics. The event also aims at the interaction between the visiting researchers and the faculty and students of our university's postgraduate programs in mathematics, enriching the teaching and research work environment, and helping students to know the different areas and then they can make a choice of area by which they will professionalize and perform dissertations and / or theses, and then continue doing researchs.